Getting out the best from the material 1

This year we are using Richmond material for English lessons in all the different levels of Primary.

We are pleased with this choice and we hope that students and parents are happy with it as well. In fact, teachers believe that we get to deal with high level English in a way that allows us to be enjoyable; exercises are very well thought and prepared, the interactive material and videos are very motivating…This way, students take active part in English lessons at school.

But not only they enjoy and work in their English lessons, but also at home, now that they can see their textbooks anywhere thanks to their internet connection. In fact, the funniest thing for them is that they find some games they can play. They have to solve them one by one properly in order to get to the next step.

The book on the internet itself is not very interactive, but next year, pupils will be able to have the same Student’s book to work without an internet connection, as well as the Activity book with a highly interactive version.

This year we are having some problems in order to get all the pupils working with this application, but next year it will get out much better and every student will be able to work, study and play without being connected to the net.